angle-left Agri-food BRAnd monItoriNg
Funding Type:
AVVISO “INNOLABS – Soluzioni innovative per problemi di rilevanza sociale” - Regione Puglia
Short Description:

"AGRI-food BRAnd monItoriNg (AGRI-BRAIN) intends to implement a web platform that allows companies operating in the agri-food sector to know in advance the food choices of consumers. These choices, if adequately driven, may give added value to the agricultural productions and the farmers, facilitating the direct relationship between agriculture and final consumer. Furthermore, it is possible to raise awareness the end-users towards a greater perception of food.
This project responds to the needs of Coldiretti Federazione Regionale Pugliese - Bari, which highlights the need for an innovative tool to investigate and monitor consumers' food choices. The goal is to implement a web platform that integrates traditional marketing techniques with web monitoring. The benefits will be linked to the possibility of promoting local products after understanding consumers lifestyles and food choices.

Role: Scientific leader for Research Unit “Centro Unico per la gestione dei Progetti di Ricerca e il fund raising" of the University of Salento