angle-left Centro Sperimentale Per Aeromobili A Pilotaggio Remoto
Funding Type:
Regione Puglia - Contratto di programma - Regolamento regionale della Puglia per gli aiuti in esenzione n. 17 del 30/09/2014 (BURP n. 139 suppl. del 06/10/2014) - TITOLO II CAPO 1 DEL REGOLAMENTO GENERALE - Avviso per la presentazione dei progetti promossi da Grandi Imprese ai sensi dell’articolo 17 del Regolamento
Short Description:

The primary objective of the CESARE project is to create and operate an innovative factory based on ""digital manufacturing"" criteria for the production of unmanned systems and advanced sensors. The project is applied to the specific context of the Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (SAPR) industry.
The research and consulting activity of the University of Salento has as its object the design and definition of a Web Platform for the automation, execution and monitoring of processes identified for the simulation of SAPR training missions that involve different actors, roles and organizational and control flows.

Role: Supplier of IDS – Ingegneria dei Sistemi S.p.A.