angle-left Good for You!
Funding Type:
AVVISO “INNONETWORK – Aiuti a sostegno alle Attività di R&S” - Regione Puglia
Short Description:

Final goal of the Good for You! Project is to develop a socio-technical platform that can guarantee transparency and safety of the Made in Italy product in the agri-food sector, triggering a voluntary traceability system covering the entire product value chain. Through the use of innovative methodologies and technologies, we will monitor the production environment and the product, not only during the production phase, but also in packaging and transport. The system is conceived in a cross-platform perspective and consists of innovative hardware and software solutions, an application for mobile devices, and a website

Role: Scientific leader for Research Unit “Centro Unico per la gestione dei Progetti di Ricerca e il fund raising" of the University of Salento