angle-left Ict for Smart Healthcare toUrism
Funding Type:
Cooperazione Territoriale Europea 2014/2020 “Programma Interreg I.P.A. CBC ITALIA/ALBANIA/MONTENEGRO” 2014-2020
Short Description:

wISHfUl: Ict for Smart Healthcare toUrism aims at creating a synergy between territorial tourism and healthcare offers, a real opportunity to promote a systemic approach and define a collaborative interregional network. Through a dedicated ICT platform, the territories involved in the Programme will share their health and tourist offers addressed to different target of users. This will create a coherent and integrated ecosystem inside the area, focused on the valorisation of territorial health excellences and cultural heritage that will grant to each user the definition of tour package of services perfectly calibrated on their personal needs and diseases. The platform in fact has the task of combining supply and demand, in order to offer that combination of carefully measured services for the health needs of the users.
The definition of these integrated tourist offers will be an opportunity for requalifying and valorising territorial points of interest, intended to make them both attractive from a tourist point of view and accessible to individuals with different pathologies. These recovered points of interest will be the core of the project pilot cases.

The project, seen as opportunities deriving from the articulation of trip packages that cover health needs and cultural fruition of the area, includes two main application scenarios:
1) Tourist offer addressed to individuals with chronic diseases. The scenario covers all the health needs of patients who, although not suffering from disabling diseases, have particular necessities in the definition of their tourist offer, or may need to a health support even on holiday, in the tourist area chosen (respiratory and heart disease, diabetes etc.).
2) Tourist offer addressed to individuals with disabling diseases. Individuals with disabling diseases (blindness, motor pathologies etc.) need the definition of specific tourist routes, compatible with their health issues

Role: Research Unit “Centro Unico per la gestione dei Progetti di Ricerca e il fund raising" of the University of Salento