angle-left LivingLab Di Cultura e Tecnologia INMOTO: INformation and MObility for Tourism
Funding Type:
Dd_2012_03_02_prot_0084 avviso per la presentazione di idee progettuali per SMART CITIES AND COMMUNITIES OF SOCIAL INNOVATION – PON Ricerca e competitività 2007 – 2013
Short Description:

The Tourism and Culture project DiCet‐INMOTO (PON04a2_00029) aimed to define and implement models, processes and tools for sustainable development of a smart territory through the exploitation of its cultural heritage and environmental resources and the promotion and marketing of its touristic offer. The project was organized as an integrated cluster of two lines of action (streams) focused on two complementary aspects: the capitalization of the cultural (DiCeT stream) and the organization and marketing of tourism (INMOTO stream). Our interest was focused on the DiCeT stream, that aimed to define and develop an open enabling platform of smart services for cultural heritage capitalization, able to enhance the cultural experience, the social inclusion and for the creation of (real or digital) virtuous places. Within this framework, information and knowledge can be created, shared and processed with the purpose of improving the quality life of both citizens and organizations to achieve a desirable social and economic wealth. The stream mainly focused on studying and building innovative solutions for improving the territory cultural offer, in terms of: knowledge on cultural heritage; cultural heritage fruition; conservation and preservation.

Role: Scientific leader for Research Unit “Centro Cultura Innovativa di Impresa" of the University of Salento