Department of Engineering
for Innovation
Department of Engineering
for Innovation
In the context of the cultural and creative industries, the performing arts sector has seen strong growth in recent years, but also an increase in the complexity associated with its supply chain. The MYA project, through the collaboration between proponents and end users, aims to develop an innovative techno-organizational solution, aimed at the integrated management of cultural events, according to four macro areas of functionality: the management of organizational and technical processes that characterize an event (or a series of events); the management of technical aspects (infrastructure and services used); the management of the pre-production phase (art direction and planning); the management of communication with end users and the interpretation and reuse of data collected in social channels. Thanks to the active and continuous involvement of the actors in the Living lab, the ultimate scope of the collaborative development of the MYA project is the creation of a scalable prototype on different categories of users, from large companies engaged in the production of complex events to emerging artists who want to approach their passion in an organized and professional way.
Role: Scientific leader for Research Unit “Centro Unico per la gestione dei Progetti di Ricerca e il fund raising" of the University of Salento”