angle-left MEtabolic Profile-Assisted PREgnancy DIabetes Screening
Funding Type:
AVVISO “INNOLABS – Soluzioni innovative per problemi di rilevanza sociale” - Regione Puglia
Short Description:

The MEtabolic Profile-Assisted PRegnancy DIabetes Screening (MEPAPREDIS) project aims to develop an innovative solution in the field of prenatal preventive diagnostics.
In detail, it responds to the needs expressed by the I ° U.O. Gynecology and Obstetrics of A. Moro University of Bari, from which emerges the need to develop an early screening system for Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM), which represents an intolerance to glucose with the beginning or early recognition in pregnancy. The main reasons for the screening and treatment of GDM derive from the numerous maternal or foetal adverse events associated with untreated GDM.
The aim of the project is to design and implement an early screening system to identify any changes in the composition of the metabolomics profile correlated with GDM by the first trimester of pregnancy.


In detail, the project includes:
• The study and characterization, already in the first trimester of pregnancy, of the molecules involved in the biochemical processes correlated with GDM.
• The design and development of a new and innovative technological platform able to govern the overall process of access to the required procedures in an automatic way.

Role: Scientific leader for Research Unit “Centro Unico per la gestione dei Progetti di Ricerca e il fund raising" of the University of Salento”