angle-left Monitoring Users and Social Communication Analytics
Funding Type:
Progetti per il sostegno di Start Up Linea 1—Big Data Decreto Direttoriale prot. n. 436/Ric. del 13 marzo 2013
Short Description:

The MUSCA project aims to create an innovative integrated system able to analyze, plan, investigate multi-modal data sources. The data are extracted from the main platforms for social networking and communication tools. This project will define new models and innovative techniques of web data crawler, semantic analysis, and reputation computing. Finally, it will be imple-mented a dashboard for a complete data analysis and visualization that will aim to validate the technologies investigated, the architecture and the system requirements.
The core of the platform MUSCA regards the monitoring activities as a listen-ing plus understanding process, where technology, analysis and communica-tion competences are used together to identify and control the reputational trends observable in the web.

The tool will consist mainly of the following modules:
- A crawler to collect the data extracted from all major social networks;
- A semantic analyzer for the sociograms construction, based on content anal-ysis performed on exchanged information;
- A SNA computation engine, for social network analysis metrics and commu-nity detection;
- A reputational computing tool;
- A dashboard for the integrated and dynamical visualization of statistical re-ports (social analytics and web analytics);
- A prototypal module based on multi-agent models for reputational compu-ting

Role: Scientific leader for Research Unit “Centro Cultura Innovativa di Impresa" of the University of Salento