angle-left Security for marine Environment and Aquaculture
Funding Type:
Aiuti a sostegno dei Cluster Tecnologici Regionali 2014 Bando approvato con Determinazione del Dirigente del Servizio Ricerca Industriale e Innovazione Regione Puglia n.399 del 28/07/2014 e successiva Determinazione n. 458 del 29/09/2014
Short Description:

The project overall object is develop an integrated and innovative system, named “S.E.A. System”, able to monitor the healt state of marine environment, enabling to security of production structure and optimizing the production, the production tool management and the environmental impact coming from production. S.E.A. system will be developed proposing method and tool able to guarantee the environmental sustainability in the aquaculture activities.

The project results are:
• Tools for aquaculture tanks monitoring and the optimization of the quantity of feed for fishes;
• Tools for data collection on marine environmental and meteomarine forecast;
• Tools for collection and storage of waste materials;
• S.E.A. system, integrated system for planning maintenance of the aquaculture plant; the reduction of environmental impact and the reduction of waste production; give support to the employees through integration of the several information source.

The main technologies involved into the SEA system are related to the following areas: aquaculture; data collection from IoT network; monitoring of marine environment, software design and development.

The research group are involved in the realization of:
• Design of the data acquisition module and data management engine.
• Design of the system for aquaculture waste collection and storage.
• Design and development of integrated SEA system for aquaculture plant.
• System Test bed.

Role: Scientific leader for Research Unit “Department of Engineering for Innovation of the University of Salento