angle-left Sistema indossabile per la tele-riabilitazione domiciliare
Funding Type:
AVVISO “INNOLABS – Soluzioni innovative per problemi di rilevanza sociale” - Regione Puglia
Short Description:

In the TeleRehab project the aim is to develop and test an integrated platform for remote hand and wrist rehabilitation, able to set and monitor the rehabilitation exercises and, at the same time, to model and manage the entire health process. The system will consist of wearable sensors with wireless technology detecting some parameters of movement and muscle contraction of wrist and hand during a rehabilitation session that will provide, in real time, a motivational feedback to the patient and quantitative measures of his progress. The system will be equipped with various operating modes, so that it will be used in a rehabilitation centre with the support of experienced healthcare professionals or it will be used even at the patient's home in total autonomy (or with the remote monitoring of a therapist). In addition, the system is provided with an ICT platform capable of collecting data, cataloguing them together with clinical and health data in order to rationalize and describe the health processes implemented and making procedures repeatable and efficient.

Role: Scientific leader for Research Unit “Centro Unico per la gestione dei Progetti di Ricerca e il fund raising" of the University of Salento