Department of Engineering
for Innovation
Department of Engineering
for Innovation
The TRADAM project aims at creating a network of expertise among industrial and scientific actors in the target areas, in order to promote cooperative management and integration of transport asset data. This can create a shared knowledge base to improve service quality, sustainability, and a specific and management-oriented security strategies (monitoring, capturing, coding, and sharing).
The focus is on data and information to improve current transportation assets through the combined use of multiple modes of transport. Proper management of data captured through measurements (sensors in smart environments) or retrieved from providers is a necessary condition to match user demands with transportation services (multimodality), improving careful use of available resources (sustainability) and user experience (quality and safety). In addition, data can be used to highlight latent factors that may affect the efficiency of current transportation resources by defining appropriate actions to link cross-border transportation resources and trans-European corridors
Role: Scientific leader for Research Unit “Centro Unico per la gestione dei Progetti di Ricerca e il fund raising" of the University of Salento