Department of Engineering
for Innovation
Department of Engineering
for Innovation
The X@Work projects aims at supporting the new emerging organizational models based on processes and projects that requires the collaboration between knowledge workers with different background working in different companies geographically distributed.
X@Work wants to develop a technological platform based on the most recent ICT technologies enabling effective collaborative work in the aerospace industry.
Nevertheless, the platform is not designed as tied to a specific domain and to its specialized technologies thus allowing its use also in other environments requiring collaboration services.
• Prototype modules for application integration with PDM;
• Project Integration Engine prototype;
• LSA tool prototype;
• Ontology management tool prototype;
• Content Management System prototype;
• Process Semantic Navigator;
• Workflow and Application Modeller prototype;
• Back Office System prototype.
Role: Scientific leader for Research Unit “Centro Cultura Innovativa di Impresa" of the University of Salento”